Do you look as young as you feel? Have you spent too many hours in the sun? Are all those years of unprotected sun exposure catching up with you? Thanks to many recent advances in the fields of laser surgery and cosmetic dermatology, you really can look as good as you feel. We offer many procedures and services in the office to help you achieve your skin rejuvenation goals.
- Do you peer in the mirror each morning and play little face games?
- Do you find yourself raising your brows, smiling wider, stretching wrinkles, pursing your lips, or lifting the droopy corners that weren’t there last month?
- Are you exhausted from trying every infomercial promise out there to stop your acne and wonder “why me?”
Who doesn’t find something they don’t like about the face in the mirror each morning? It’s human nature to want to look your best. Even royalty and celebrities find themselves sitting across from Dr. Ha seeking the fix for that blemish, that sag or that brown spot.
Dr. Ha is well known for his particular expertise is in designing anti-aging, anti-acne, and anti-rosacea treatments with exceptional success and optimum cosmetic elegance. These particular conditions need specialized non-harsh therapies in order to be successful with minimal side effects. Over-treatment or overly aggressive treatment can backfire. Dr. Ha makes sure that doesn’t happen to his patients.
Dr. Ha’s main concern is that you receive an individualized skin treatment program that eliminates your problems without unnecessary side effects. This is attained by having one-on-one care with good old fashioned personal attention from Dr. Ha himself.
As a sought-after expert in the successful use of Botox® Cosmetic , he has trained many physicians in how to implement his unique technique in treating their own patients. Many of his patients refer to him as “the Botox® Cosmetic artist of Dallas”. Wrinkles in the forehead, between the brows, and around the eyes are painlessly reduced. The results are night & day differences with no downtime or pain.
Another well-appreciated application of Botox® Cosmetic is in the treatment for excessive underarm sweating , which has been recently FDA approved. The Botox Cosmetic is non-diluted and prepared in such a way as to be completely painless!
Skin is surprisingly complex, and its fine network of tissues is disrupted by the UV light of the sun, smoking, age, and the air around us. At Ha Plastic Surgery, we believe that skin care should be a part of virtually all of our lives. This may take the form of effective sunscreens, specialized soap for washing, moisturizers, and stronger medicines called retinoids that can work to repair skin and prevent further damage. A good skin care program can accomplish as much to improve appearance as an invasive surgery. During your consultation at Ha Plastic Surgery, we will work with you to develop a specialized skin care program unique to you, that best meets your needs.